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Throughout the time I have worked as a Science Educator, I have worked on unit projects in my classroom and have tried to share these experiments with my colleagues. These curriculum materials have been tested and yield positive hands on science experiences for students. Feel free to use this information as a guide with the students in your classroom.


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SWG Curriculum GuideAdopt A Tree
In this science unit, scudents watch a tree for a month and write about their observations.
SWG Curriculum GuideAeronautics
This Unit has students understanding what it takes to make an object lift off the ground and fly.
SWG Curriculum GuideTop Sectret Classified Information - Activities To Introduce Budding Zoolologists To Animal Classification
This magazine article - science unit has students working on several activities that have them understanding how animals get classified.
SWG Curriculum GuideBatteries And Bulbs
This science unit has students experimenting with series and parallel circuits.
SWG Curriculum GuideBiology
This science unit has students using a microscope to find out how a plant cell is different from an animal cell. The needs of living things are discussed in this unit.
SWG Curriculum GuideChemistry 5
This chemistry unit has students experimenting with mixtures and compounds. Acids are also looked at in this chemistry unit.
SWG Curriculum GuideChemistry 8
This chemistry unit has students finding out about solutions and suspensions. In this unit we also work with acids and bases.
SWG Curriculum GuideChicken And Duck Embryology
This magazine article - Sscience unit has students finding out how animals go through the process of gestation.
SWG Curriculum GuideClassification In The Animal Kingdom
This unit uses games and music to teach about the animal kingdom
SWG Curriculum GuideClimate And The Environment
This unit on weather teaches abot air and how air affects us. Students will discover how rain and wind help determin weather conditions. Included is a weather BINGO game.
SWG Curriculum GuideDissecting Guide - The Clam
This is a dissection guide to help students understand the internal organs of the clam.
SWG Curriculum GuideDissecting Guide - The Earthworm
This is a dissection guide to help students understand the internal organs of the earthworm
SWG Curriculum GuideDissecting Guide - The Fish
This is a dissection guide to help students understand the internal organs of the fish
SWG Curriculum GuideDissecting Guide - The frog
This is a dissection guide to help students understand the internal organs of the frog
SWG Curriculum GuideDissecting Guide - The Grasshopper
This is a dissection guide to help students understand the internal organs of the grasshopper
SWG Curriculum GuideEcosystem
In this unit students find our about produces and consumers. Food webs and food chains are also a concept developed in this science unit.
SWG Curriculum GuideElectricity
This electricity unit covers series and parallel circuits. This unit also covers conductors and nonconductors. In this unit, students will measure current and voltage.
SWG Curriculum GuideEnergy And The Environment
Students will sail boats, use windmills and water wheels to find out about energy. Included in this unit is a BINGO game.
SWG Curriculum GuideFingerprints - The Art And Science Of Observing
Students will learn to look at fingerprints and find ways to tell them apart. Students will lear about the eight types of prints. Students will become fingerprint detectives and learn to lift and identify latent prints.
SWG Curriculum GuideFive Senses
Each experiment in this unit has the students discovering things about one of their five senses - smell, taste, touch, hearing, seeing.
SWG Curriculum GuideGeology - Rocks, Minerals and Caves
What is the difference between sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic rocks? What are minerals? Why do rock formatios hang from the ceilings of caves? These are the questions students will find answers to by working on this science unit.
SWG Curriculum GuideHow To Have A Successful Science Fair
The science fair is more than having your students work on a project and presenting it to the class. The fair is a presentation of many projects to the students and adults at your school. The science fair needs to be thought out so it will be successful and students will be proud to have their wouk displayed in your school fair. This booklet explais the process of setting up and running a science fair.
SWG Curriculum GuideLenses And The Refraction Of Light
Light is a thing; we can speed it us and slw it down. We can make it bend and change direction. We call this refraction. This unit has students playing with lenses to bend and change the direction of light.
SWG Curriculum GuideLet Your Fingers Do The Walking - Investigating Science Through Fingerprint Activities
This magazine article - science unit has students finding out about the main types of fingerprints and how fingerprints differ from each other. No two people have the exact same fingerprints, not even identical twins. This unit has students working on their observation skills.
SWG Curriculum GuideMaking It Go
In thi machines unit students find out why muscles fatigue and how machines like paddles help to make objects move.
SWG Curriculum GuideMedical Illustration
In this Art - Science unit of studey, students perform experiments to find out about the body systems while learning to draw or illustrate the system structures.
SWG Curriculum GuideMicroscope
Students work with the microscope preparing wet and dry cell mounts to see the smallest of living creatures on our earth.
SWG Curriculum GuideMirrors And The Reflection Of Light
Not only can light be bent, but we can bounce it off of things. In this unit we use mirrors to change the direction of light.
SWG Curriculum GuidePhotography - The Use Of Light
Light is radiant energy and has the power to effect special paper and substances we pot onto that paper. Using black and white photography paper, students make pinhole cameras and learn to develop the films. Students also learn to use photographic enlargers in this science unit.
SWG Curriculum GuidePhysics Grade 8
This unit starts with energy and moves into force and work. Simple machines are explored in this science unit.
SWG Curriculum GuidePhysics Grade 8 - Simple Machines - Energy
This unit starts with energy and moves into force and work. Simple machines are explored in this science unit.
SWG Curriculum GuidePlants - A Way To Grow
What plants meed to stay alove and grow are covered in this unit of study. Students will look at seeds, sems, roots and leaves of plants to see how they develop.
SWG Curriculum GuidePowder Pozzle - Qualatative Analysis
This chemistry unit has students finding a way to tell five white powders apart from each other. What physical or chemical characteristics can be used like a fingerprint to identify each powder individually. In this unit, students will be asked to experiment on an unknown mixture of thses powders to see what powders were put into their unknown.
SWG Curriculum GuideScientific Method - The Great Penny Experiment
This unit has students dropping water on pennies to gather numbers, create data tables and generate graphs, all while learning the scientific method.
SWG Curriculum GuideSneakers Treads And Me
This Science - Math unit has students exploring why the bottoms of sneakers are designed as they are. Why are basketball sneakers different from running shoes? Students will work with friction, explore density and measure surface area in this unit.
SWG Curriculum GuideThe Ecosystem
This magazine article - science unit explores food chains and webs in the environment. How are animals adapted to find and eat food? How they animals hide, hunt and survive are covered in this unit.
SWG Curriculum GuideWhy Things Fly
In this unit we cover density and why hot air rises. Students will examine air pressure and with the help of bernoullis principle. the causes of lift and drag. In the culminating activity, students design, build and fly a kite.