Extra Credit
Does The Age Of A
Penny Have An
Effect On How Much
Water A Penny Can
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Problem: Does the age of a penny have an effect on how much
water a penny will hold?

Hypothesis: (my opinion) Some pennies are really nasty looking so
I think that kind will hold less water.

Materials : water

Equipment: pennies of different years, tray, sponge, dropper, desk

step 1) Put dropper into a cup of water and squeeze the air out.
Water will fill the dropper.
step 2) Put a penny on a tray and hold a ruler next to it.
step 3) Hold a dropper at the desired height of 1 inch
step 4) Squeeze dropper letting drops of water fall on the penny.
step 5) Count how many drops fit on the penny before it overflows.
step 6) Dry penny and repeat steps for the next trial on that year
step 7) Change penny and repeat all the steps, drying the penny
between trials.

Results: (these are sample results)

age guess 1 2 3 A
1975 11 12 15 9 12
1982 5 2 4 0 2
1993 10 6 8 4 6
2000 15 10 12 14 12

Conclusion: (why your results are the way they are)
I found out that pennies can have crud on them even if they are
new. The age does not make a difference; the condition of the
penny is what matters

Variables: (things that cause changes)
Someone hit my arm, there was splashing, the eyedroppers were
different sizes, people were fooling around at my table, sometimes
the penny that I needed was not in the box.
Scientific Method Write-up
Begin this experiment with four (4) different age pennies
Some pennnies will appear to be newer than others
Some pennies will even have crud
or other disgusting stuff on them.
This stuff takes up space that water
could be in. How do you think this
crud will effect the number of drops
of water this penny will hold?
Experiment on the same
penny several times. These
will be your trials.

Remember to dry your
penny between each trial.
1) Why is crud on your penny a bad thing?

2) Is it possible for a new penny to have crud on it?

3) Which will hold more water drops, a new penny or a new dime?